9 Proven Seborrheic Dermatitis Natural Treatment

By | August 23, 2015

Seborrheic dermatitis is an awful inflammatory skin condition that in most cases affect the scalp. However, it can equally affect other oily areas such as the side of the ear, chest, or the face- particularly the lips, on the creases of the nose, eyelids and the eyebrows. The inflammation of the skin is known as dermatitis. The symptoms of dermatitis include swelling, inflammation, redness, itching and burning sensation. This infection may lead to the scaling of the skin, crusting or production of blisters. Continue reading to find out the top natural treatment.

Who typically gets it?

Although this condition doesn’t affect one’s overall health, it can be a significant cause of embarrassment and discomfort. It can affect anybody from infant to adults and tends to occur more in men than women. Others who are vulnerable to this infection are those with oily skin. When it affects children, it clears up within few days even without any form of treatment. In adults, the infection can last from a few weeks to several months and may require medical intervention.


The symptoms of this infection appear gradually and can occur on any part of the skin. They include;

– Dandruff on the eyebrows, mustache or beards, hair, and scalp. On infants, a thick yellow greasy scale forms on the scalp that becomes flaky after some time.

– Formation of moist or greasy patches

– Redness of the skin

– An itching or burning sensation at the side of the ear canal or scalp

– Others may experience hair loss and white scales may attach themselves to the hair shaft.

Natural remedies to treat seborrheic dermatitis

There are different natural remedies that can give you relief from the dermatitis symptoms. You may be in a position to control seborrheic dermatitis with lifestyle changes and home natural remedies. To effectively get the seborrheic dermatitis natural treatment, you may need to try a combination of these products before the condition improves, depending on your skin type. Below are the ten best seborrheic dermatitis natural treatment methods.

Coconut Oil

The amazing antimicrobial and moisturizing properties found in coconut oil significantly help in reducing redness, scaling and dryness of the skin due to seborrheic dermatitis infection. Coconut oil is applied 2-3 times on the affected area and best results occur when one is wearing a snow cap. Use the oil to the affected are and gently massage the oil into the skin to stimulate the pores.


An oatmeal bath can be an ideal skin irritation treatment and helps the skin to remain moisturized.

– Mix a cup of finely powdered oatmeal in lukewarm bath water.

– Soak in the bath water for 15-20 minutes

– Bath the affected area with this water and do this daily for a couple of days

Apple Cider Vinegar

The apple cider vinegar has a real history of providing skin care treatment due to its . The strong acidity found in apple cider vinegar destroys the fungus that cause seborrheic dermatitis and restores the body back to its natural acidic environment. In most cases, vinegar is mixed with water in a 50/50 ratio and applied to the skin. The solution is then left on the skin to absorb.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is widely used in the treatment of skin conditions like . It helps in restoring the PH balance of the skin, relieving itching sensations and skin irritations.

– Apply a fresh aloe vera gel on the affected area several times a day for a month.
– You can equally drink a few ounces of the aloe vera juice


Chamomile flowers have therapeutic properties that have a soothing effect on the affected skin.

– Steep 2-3 teaspoons of chamomile flowers in a cup for 15-20 minutes.

– Cool the solution down

– Dip a piece of clean soft cloth in it and apply to the affected area for 10-15 minutes

– Repeat for a couple of days

Seborrheic dermatitis natural treatment


Honey has great anti-inflammatory properties that are used in the treatment of skin infections.

– Mix equal parts of raw honey, beeswax and olive oil.

– Heat the mixture to make an ointment

– When it cools, apply to the affected area and leave the ointment to work on the area for an hour

Tea Tree Oil

This is a reliable remedy for skin infections due to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. You can buy a premade shampoo or make your concoction. When making your concoction, you only need 4-5 drops of tea tree oil as much of it can irritate the skin due to its strong anti-fungal properties.


Neem leaves are used in the treatment of dermatitis and help in restoring the skin health and protecting it from a couple of infections. A few portions of neem leaves are boiled in a bathing water and applied to the affected area.

Baking Soda Treatment

Baking soda has a long rich history of successfully fighting fungus. It is a preferred method due to its lack of smell and quick results.

-Mix half a teaspoon of luring baking soda with a cup of water.

– Apply the solution to the affected skin for 5-10 min

– After the baking soda has worked in the area, rinse with cool water.

Scalp care tips – (Seborrheic Dermatitis Prevention Tips for the Scalp)

1. Hot oil treatment – Apply oil to your scalp and cover the hair with a processing cap, and then allow it to sit for about 10-15 minutes under a warm towel or a hooded dryer. Doing this will loosen the flakes from your scalp.

2. Cleansing – Co-washing with anti-fungal shampoo will not be very sufficient to remove flakes, tropical oils or sebum. Cleanse and focus on the scalp and do not overly remove the cleanser down the length of the hair.

3. Do not oil or grease your scalp – Seborrheic dermatitis may be as a result of your scalp overproducing sebum. In case this is the issue, deprive the scalp of additional oils that irritate the inflammation.

4. Create a cleansing regime – Ladies with straight hair are advised to use anti-fungal shampoo daily but this is not very ideal for those with curly hair.


The first step towards applying natural treatment for seborrheic dermatitis is changing the diet by reducing or eliminating the intake of processed sugars and saturated fats and increasing the intake of vitamin E, and fiber-rich foods. Green vegetables such as kales, collard, spinach and broccoli should be increased.


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